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Wikileaks and The Spy Files
Defence contractors are selling government agencies and other corporations surveillance technologies in a widely unregulated market
The Spy Files
The Spy Files
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Supplying the tech
Although the technology (both hardware and software) can have some useful applications, how easily can government agencies turn it around to monitor its citizens?
Privatization of intelligence
Do they have citizens’ interests in mind?
Below are some of the key features of NICE's NiceTrack Location Tracking Solutions
Locate Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere
Get accurate and reliable positioning data for any subscriber ‘on-demand’, and display target routes for any time-frame in any environment
Mass Data Collection
Capture, process, analyze and store nationwide data for any duration of time
Unobtrusive Monitoring
Target is not aware of and cannot prevent law enforcement agencies and intelligence tracking activities
That doesn't sound very NICE now does it?
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