Whistleblowing—or the act of breaking contractual obligations to publicly bring light to potentially dangerous and harmful business projects and practises—has single-handedly provided us crucial information on how we approach daily life. With such awareness of an always-watching government, the public is informed and prepared due to the sacrifice made by the ‘Big Three’

Created and Founded WikiLeaks, a website made to host leaked and otherwise illegally obtained documents—generally political, military or corporate in nature. Interacted with Chelsea Manning, helped bring her information to a world-scale. Frequently criticized for his practices of raw, unfiltered mass leaks of data—not wanting to decide on the behalf of others what is ‘helpful’ or ‘harmful’ information for the public to find.

Revealed the widespread collection of ‘metadata’ from each text, call or online message sent within the public, by the NSA. Snowden had given consideration to the documents he had released, careful and curated leaks are the defining factor between Snowden and Assange. He's still in political asylum, unable to return to the US.

Chelsea Manning
Serving in the military as Bradley Manning, he frequently worked as a source for WikiLeaks and was detained and received 90 years in prison, before it was reduced to 60, and then 35. Assisted by Assange, he was tasked with unveiling information on political back-dealings and mission intel from the US Military. Beyond the legal impact of precedence, Chelsea Manning, and the controversy surrounding her situation, introduced many to the growing issue of surveillance within our government.

Paparazzi and the 'Fappening'
While the paparazzi are a known annoyance, the growing issue of a culture oriented around idolatry and 'hero worship' amongst artists, actors and actresses is often problematic. In the case of the iCloud photo leaks, many celebrities nude photos were found exposed to millions of anonymous viewers on the internet.