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Surveillance Self-Defense Guide 

The Surveillance self-defense guide offers online users access to a variety of resources to assist in the protection of information. The website recognizes that, at very least, everyone has something that they would like to be private and at very worst require protection from repeated and unjust forms of surveillance.  

The Site offers various resources from assisting individuals in developing an understanding of what digital surveillance is to providing guides and tutorials on how they can install software that will aid in protecting their information. For example, the site offers tutorials on how to encrypt your iPhone as well as how to securely delete data on Max OS X, Windows as well as Linux. 

Why is The Internet Surveillance Guide So Important? 

This website offers a wide range of resources that are important for individuals who are fearful that they may be wrongfully surveilled. The site additionally ensures that everyone has access to information that will allow them to keep their personal information safe and protected, as using the tutorials has no cost. Similarly, not everyone has a deep understanding of these kinds of software, thus the guide offers detailed instructions for experts and beginners. 

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